Fill handle tool of Excel helps in applying a formula of current cell to other cells just by dragging. Some time because of some grinch this fill handle doesn’t show up. The following steps will help you bring back the fill handle in Excel. Steps to show/enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop Steps for Excel 2010 and above Go to Files > Options In “Advance” Category, under “Editing Options”, check… Read More »How to enable fill handle/formula drag-and-drop handle in Ms Excel
Microsoft Excel provides a hand and powerful tool to sort data. The default Excel sorting options are setup to sort rows. Let’s say, you want to sort columns in Excel instead of rows i.e. you want to order columns based on data of particular row. This blogs exactly covers the process to sort columns along with Video demonstration. Sample data to sort Let’s say, I have a following data in… Read More »How to sort columns in Excel
How to sort columns in Excel
One of the best features of Ms Excel is Macros. In our earlier blog we have shown how to write excel macro to compute liner interpolation, and now we will see how to make a macro available in all workbook. Excel Macro is only available in the workbook on which we created it. However, with the following method you can make it available for all the workbooks/excel files. Steps to… Read More »How to make a macro available in all workbooks
How to make a macro available in all workbooks
Interpolation is a way to estimate values between two points of a data set. Most of the real-world data are available as discrete points. Interpolation comes handy if you want to estimate the data between two points. The most simple interpolation is a linear interpolation, where variation of data between two data points is assumed linear. Let us consider the following example. We have of density of water at different… Read More »Automated interpolation formula for Excel: Define excel interpolate function & use it forever