This blog explained the steps to install Anaconda Python on Windows. Anaconda is the most popular, free and open-source distribution of Python and R Programming language. It is used for large-scale data processing, predictive analysis and scientific computing. The Anaconda distribution is used by over 15 million users and includes more than 1500 popular data-science packages. It comes with bunches of tools such as Sypder & Jupiter notebook. So lets… Read More »Installing Python using Anaconda
Python is an high level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. It’s based on design philosophy that emphasizes highly on code readability. It supports structured, object-oriented and functional programming paradigm. It has gained popularity due to its ease of use and collection of large sets of standard libraries.
Data types in NumPy NumPy supports a wide variety of data types. It is given using an attribute dtype which is a short form of data type. Most of the array creator/initializer function needs this arguments. Althoug optional, it helps numpy to determine the type of data type that array will store. Use of dtype NumPy Some time it is beneficial to use smaller data type to save memory and… Read More »Dtype NumPy: List of Data Types in NumPy and its Ranges
Dtype NumPy: List of Data Types in NumPy and its Ranges
As you know, the basic building blocks of any programming language are variables and constants, using which we create a series of expressions. In order to, write an expression, we require operators and operands. Operators are the symbols that are used to perform a different computational task, while operands are the values (variables, constants, Python objects, etc.) on which we are performing operations. An operator is used to perform an… Read More »Operators & Operands in Python
Operators & Operands in Python
Variables Variables are names that given to data that we need to store and manipulate. Python is not ” statically type” i.e. no need to declare variables or their data types before using them. A variables is created the moment we first assign a value to it. #!/usr/bin/python age = 24 # An integer assignment salary = 10000.0 # A floating point name = “John” # A string print age… Read More »Variables & Data Types in Python