Microsoft Excel provides a hand and powerful tool to sort data. The default Excel sorting options are setup to sort rows. Let’s say, you want to sort columns in Excel instead of rows i.e. you want to order columns based on data of particular row. This blogs exactly covers the process to sort columns along with Video demonstration.
Sample data to sort
Let’s say, I have a following data in Excel having marks and percentage (in rows) of students (in column).
![Sample Excel data for sorting columns](
Sorting Excel columns based on row data
Let’s say that I want to sort student (column) based on highest to lowest percentage to give rank.
The steps to sort columns of Excel based on row data
Steps to sort above data column wise (student) in descending order of percentage are as follows
Step 1: Select the data you need to get sorted
Step 2: In “Home” Tab, click “Sort & Filter” and select “Custom Sort” to open Sort window
![Sorting data in Excel](
Step 3: Click “Options” from Sort Window to open “Sort Options” and select “Sort left to right” option from Sort Options and click Ok.
Step 4: Select Sort by, Sort On and Order as desired. In my case, I wanted to sort by Row 3 (Percentage) values from Largest to Smallest.
Step 5: Click ok to sort data. In my case, sorted students (columns) with highest to smallest percentage (Row 3)
![Sorted column of Excel based on Row 3 data](
Video Demonstration: Sorting Excel Column
C P Gupta is a YouTuber and Blogger. He is expert in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. His YouTube channel @pickupbrain is very popular and has crossed 9.9 Million Views.