MS Word is popular tool that is widely used for various purposes, including writing, designing, and formatting documents. Symbols are integral part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). This article covers Ms Word shortcut symbols used.
Ms Word Shortcut for Symbol
Ms Word has hidden shortcut that is similar to LaTeX. It is enabled in Equation editor by default however to insert symbols outside of equation editor, you need to enable it using following one-time setting.
Enable shortcut in Ms Word for Symbols
- Go to Files → Options to open Word Options
- Navigate to Proofing and click AutoCorrect Options button to open Auto Correct window
- Navigate to Math Autocorrect tab
- Check the box against “Use Math Autocorrect options outside Math region“
- Click Ok and close all the dialogue boxed.
Unicode Shortcut
To get symbol from Unicode, type Unicode for a symbol and press “Alt+x” immediately after it.
Ms Word shortcut and Unicode for symbols.
Name | Symbol | Ms Word Shortcut | Unicode Code |
above | ┴ | \above | U+2534 |
acute | ́ | \acute | ́U+0301 |
aleph | ℵ | \aleph | U+2135 |
alpha | α | \alpha | U+03B1 |
amalg | ∐ | \amalg | U+2210 |
angle | ∠ | \angle | U+2220 |
aoint | ∳ | \aoint | U+2233 |
approximate | ≈ | \approx | U+2248 |
asmash | ⬆ | \asmash | U+2B06 |
asterisk | ∗ | \ast | U+2217 |
asymp | ≍ | \asymp | U+224D |
atop | ¦ | \atop | U+00A6 |
Bar | ̿ | \Bar | U+033F |
bar | ̅ | \bar | U+0305 |
because | ∵ | \because | U+2235 |
begin | 〖 | \begin | U+3016 |
beta | β | \beta | U+03B2 |
bet | ℶ | \beth | U+2136 |
bigcap | ⋂ | \bigcap | U+22C2 |
bigcup | ⋃ | \bigcup | U+22C2 |
bigodot | ⨀ | \bigodot | U+2A00 |
bigoplus | ⨁ | \bigoplus | U+2A01 |
bigotimes | ⨂ | \bigotimes | U+2A02 |
bigsqcup | ⨆ | \bigsqcup | U+2A06 |
biguplus | ⨄ | \biguplus | U+2A04 |
bigvee | ⋁ | \bigvee | U+22C1 |
bigwedge | ⋀ | \bigwedge | U+22C0 |
bowtie | ⋈ | \bowtie | U+22C8 |
bot | ⊥ | \bot | U+22A5 |
box | □ | \box | U+25A1 |
bra | ⟨ | \bra | U+27E8 |
breve | ̆ | \breve | ̆U+0306 |
bullet | ∙ | \bullet | U+2219 |
cap | ∩ | \cap | U+2229 |
Cube root | ∛ | \cbrt | U+221B |
Center dot | ⋅ | \cdot | U+22C5 |
Center dots | ⋯ | \cdots | U+22EF |
check | ̌ | \check | ̌U+030C |
chi | χ | \chi | U+03C7 |
circle | ∘ | \circ | U+2218 |
close | ┤ | \close | U+2524 |
Club suit | ♣ | \clubsuit | U+2663 |
coint | ∲ | \coint | U+2232 |
congruence | ≅ | \cong | U+2245 |
cup | ∪ | \cup | U+222A |
daleth | ℸ | \daleth | U+2138 |
dashv | ⊣ | \dashv | U+22A3 |
Double D | ⅅ | \Dd | U+2145 |
Double b | ⅆ | \dd | U+2146 |
Four dots | ⃜ | \ddddot | U+20DC |
Three dots | ⃛ | \dddot | U+20DB |
Double dots | ̈ | \ddot | ̈U+0308 |
ddots | ⋱ | \ddots | U+22F1 |
degree | ° | \degree | U+00B0 |
Degree Celsius | ℃ | \degc | U+2109 |
Degree Fahrenheit | ℉ | \degf | U+2103 |
Delta | Δ | \Delta | U+0394 |
delta | δ | \delta | U+03B4 |
Diamond suit | ♢ | \diamondsuit | U+2662 |
division | ÷ | \div | U+00F7 |
dot | ̇ | \dot | ̇U+0307 |
Dot equal to | ≐ | \doteq | U+2250 |
dots | … | \dots | U+2026 |
Down arrow | ⇓ | \Downarrow | U+21D3 |
Down arrow | ↓ | \downarrow | U+2193 |
dsmash | ⬇ | \dsmash | U+2B07 |
Double e | ⅇ | \ee | U+2147 |
ell | ℓ | \ell | U+2113 |
Empty set | ∅ | \emptyset | U+2205 |
end | 〗 | \end | U+3017 |
epsilon | ϵ | \epsilon | U+03F5 |
eqno | # | \eqno | U+0023 |
equivalence | ≡ | \equiv | U+2261 |
eta | η | \eta | U+03B7 |
exists | ∃ | \exists | U+2203 |
For all | ∀ | \forall | U+2200 |
Gamma | Γ | \Gamma | U+0393 |
gamma | γ | \gamma | U+03B3 |
Greater than equal to | ≥ | \ge | U+2265 |
gets | ← | \gets | U+2190 |
Much greater than | ≫ | \gg | U+226B |
gimel | ℷ | \gimel | U+2137 |
grave | ̀ | \grave | U+0300 |
hat | ̂ | \hat | U+0302 |
hbar | ℏ | \hbar | U+210F |
Heart suit | ♡ | \heartsuit | U+2661 |
Hook left arrow | ↩ | \hookleftarrow | U+21A9 |
Hook right arrow | ↪ | \hookrightarrow | U+21AA |
H phantom | ⬉ | \hphantom | U+2B04 |
hvec | ⃑ | \hvec | U+20D1 |
Double i | ⅈ | \ii | U+2148 |
Fourth integral | ⨌ | \iiiint | U+2A0C |
Triple integral | ∭ | \iiint | U+222D |
Double integral | ∬ | \iint | U+222C |
Im | ℑ | \Im | U+2111 |
imath | ı | \imath | U+0131 |
in | ∈ | \in | U+2208 |
Increment | ∆ | \inc | U+2206 |
infinity | ∞ | \infty | U+221E |
integral | ∫ | \int | U+222B |
iota | ι | \iota | U+03B9 |
Double j | ⅉ | \jj | U+2149 |
J math | ȷ | \jmath | U+0237 |
kappa | κ | \kappa | U+03BA |
ket | ⟩ | \ket | U+27E9 |
Lambda | Λ | \Lambda | U+039B |
lambda | λ | \lambda | U+03BB |
Left angle | 〈 | \langle | U+27E8 |
Left brace | { | \lbrace | U+007B |
Left brack | [ | \lbrack | U+005B |
Left ceil | ⌈ | \lceil | U+2308 |
Left div | ∕ | \ldiv | U+2215 |
Left dots | … | \ldots | U+2026 |
Less than equal to | ≤ | \le | U+2264 |
Left arrow | ⇐ | \Leftarrow | U+21D0 |
Left arrow | ← | \leftarrow | U+2190 |
Left harpoon down | ↽ | \leftharpoondown | U+21BD |
Left harpoon up | ↼ | \leftharpoonup | U+21BC |
Left right arrow | ⇔ | \Leftrightarrow | U+21D4 |
Left right arrow | ↔ | \leftrightarrow | U+2194 |
Less than equal to | ≤ | \leq | U+2264 |
Left floor | ⌊ | \lfloor | U+230A |
Much less than | ≪ | \ll | U+226A |
Long left arrow | ⟸ | \Longleftarrow | U+27F8 |
Long left arrow | ⟵ | \longleftarrow | U+27F5 |
Long left right arrow | ⟺ | \Longleftrightarrow | U+27FA |
Long left right arrow | ⟷ | \longleftrightarrow | U+27F7 |
Long right arrow | ⟹ | \Longrightarrow | U+27F9 |
Long right arrow | ⟶ | \longrightarrow | U+27F6 |
Maps to | ↦ | \mapsto | U+21A6 |
mid | ∣ | \mid | U+2223 |
models | ⊨ | \models | U+22A8 |
Minus plus | ∓ | \mp | U+2213 |
mu | μ | \mu | U+03BC |
nabla | ∇ | \nabla | U+2207 |
ndiv | ⊘ | \ndiv | U+2298 |
Not equal to | ≠ | \ne | U+2260 |
North east arrow | ↗ | \nearrow | U+2197 |
Not equal | ≠ | \neq | U+2260 |
ni | ∋ | \ni | U+220B |
norm | ‖ | \norm | U+2016 |
nu | ν | \nu | U+03BD |
North west arrow | ↖ | \nwarrow | U+2196 |
O dot | ⊙ | \odot | U+2299 |
Cyclic triple integral | ∰ | \oiiint | U+2230 |
Cyclic double integral | ∯ | \oiint | U+222F |
Cyclic integral | ∮ | \oint | U+222E |
Omega | Ω | \Omega | U+03A9 |
omega | ω | \omega | U+03C9 |
O minus | ⊖ | \ominus | U+2296 |
open | ├ | \open | U+251C |
O plus | ⊕ | \oplus | U+2295 |
O slash | ⊘ | \oslash | U+2298 |
O times | ⊗ | \otimes | U+2297 |
over | / | \over | U+002F |
overbar | ¯ | \overbar | U+00AF |
Over brace | ⏞ | \overbrace | U+23DE |
Over parenthesis | ⏜ | \overparen | U+23DC |
parallel | ∥ | \parallel | U+2225 |
partial | ∂ | \partial | U+2202 |
phantom | ⟡ | \phantom | U+27E1 |
Phi | Φ | \Phi | U+03A6 |
phi | ϕ | \phi | U+03D5 |
Pi | Π | \Pi | U+03A0 |
pi | π | \pi | U+03C0 |
Plus minus | ± | \pm | U+00B1 |
Four prime | ⁗ | \pppprime | U+2057 |
Triple prime | ‴ | \ppprime | U+2034 |
Double prime | ″ | \pprime | U+2033 |
Precedes | ≺ | \prec | U+227A |
Precedes equal to | ≼ | \preceq | U+227C |
prime | ′ | \prime | U+2032 |
product | ∏ | \prod | U+220F |
Proportional to | ∝ | \propto | U+221D |
Psi | Ψ | \Psi | U+03A8 |
psi | ψ | \psi | U+03C8 |
Quad root | ∜ | \qdrt | U+221C |
Right angle | 〉 | \rangle | U+27E9 |
ratio | ∶ | \ratio | U+2236 |
Right brace | } | \rbrace | U+007D |
Right bracket | ] | \rbrack | U+005D |
Right ceil | ⌉ | \rceil | U+2309 |
right dots | ⋰ | \rddots | U+22F0 |
Re | ℜ | \Re | U+211C |
rectangle | ▭ | \rect | U+25AD |
Right floor | ⌋ | \rfloor | U+230B |
rho | ρ | \rho | U+03C1 |
Right arrow | ⇒ | \Rightarrow | U+21D2 |
Right arrow | → | \rightarrow | U+2192 |
Right harpoon down | ⇁ | \rightharpoondown | U+21C1 |
Right harpoon up | ⇀ | \rightharpoonup | U+21C0 |
S divide | ⁄ | \sdiv | U+2044 |
South east arrow | ↘ | \searrow | U+2198 |
Set minus | ∖ | \setminus | U+2216 |
Sigma | Σ | \Sigma | U+03A3 |
sigma | σ | \sigma | U+03C3 |
sim | ∼ | \sim | U+223C |
similar or equal to | ≃ | \simeq | U+2243 |
smash | ⬍ | \smash | U+2B0D |
Spade suit | ♠ | \spadesuit | U+2660 |
Square cap | ⊓ | \sqcap | U+2293 |
Square cup | ⊔ | \sqcup | U+2294 |
Square root | √ | \sqrt | U+221A |
Square sub set equal to | ⊑ | \sqsubseteq | U+2291 |
Square super set equal to | ⊒ | \sqsuperseteq | U+2292 |
star | ⋆ | \star | U+22C6 |
Sub set | ⊂ | \subset | U+2282 |
Sub set equal to | ⊆ | \subseteq | U+2286 |
succeeds | ≻ | \succ | U+227B |
Succeeds equal to | ≽ | \succeq | U+227D |
sum | ∑ | \sum | U+2211 |
Super set | ⊃ | \superset | U+2283 |
Super set equal to | ⊇ | \superseteq | U+2287 |
South west arrow | ↘ | \swarrow | U+2199 |
tau | τ | \tau | U+03C4 |
therefore | ∴ | \therefore | U+2234 |
Theta | Θ | \Theta | U+0398 |
theta | θ | \theta | U+03B8 |
tilde | ̃ | \tilde | U+0303 |
times | × | \times | U+00D7 |
to | → | \to | U+2192 |
T vec | ⃡ | \tvec | U+20E1 |
Under bar | ▁ | \underbar | U+2581 |
Under brace | ⏟ | \underbrace | U+23DF |
Under parenthesis | ⏝ | \underparen | U+23DD |
Up arrow | ⇑ | \Uparrow | U+21D1 |
uparrow | ↑ | \uparrow | U+2191 |
Up down arrow | ⇕ | \Updownarrow | U+21D5 |
Up down arrow | ↕ | \updownarrow | U+2195 |
U plus | ⊎ | \uplus | U+228E |
Upsilon | Υ | \Upsilon | U+03A5 |
upsilon | υ | \upsilon | U+03C5 |
Var epsilon | ε | \varepsilon | U+03B5 |
Var phi | Φ | \varphi | U+03C6 |
Var pi | ϖ | \varpi | U+03D6 |
Var rho | ϱ | \varrho | U+03F1 |
Var sigma | ς | \varsigma | U+03C2 |
Var theta | ϑ | \vartheta | U+03D1 |
V bar | │ | \vbar | U+2502 |
V dash | ⊢ | \vdash | U+22A2 |
Vertical dots | ⋮ | \vdots | U+22EE |
vector | ⃗ | \vec | U+20D7 |
vee | ∨ | \vee | U+2228 |
Vert | ‖ | \Vert | U+2016 |
vert | | | \vert | U+007C |
Vertical phantom | ⇳ | \vphantom | U+21F3 |
wedge | ∧ | \wedge | U+2227 |
wp | ℘ | \wp | U+2118 |
wr | ≀ | \wr | U+2240 |
Xi | Ξ | \Xi | U+039E |
xi | ξ | \xi | U+03BE |
zeta | ζ | \zeta | U+03B6 |
The above blog shows Ms Word symbol shortcut and Unicode for all the commonly used symbols in STEM.
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C P Gupta is a YouTuber and Blogger. He is expert in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. His YouTube channel @pickupbrain is very popular and has crossed 9.9 Million Views.
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