Nicely spaced lines can add to readability of word document. The default line spacing in Word is 1.15 however, academics setting prefers double-spaced lines as it allows space for handwritten comments. Double space lines were so widely used that it was once the default setting for typewriters too. Ms Word provides multiple ways to add double-spaced lines. 1. Keyboard shortcut (Windows and Mac) Select the text that you want to… Read More »How to double space in Ms Word and its keyboard shortcut (Windows & Mac)
A piecewise function is a special function that is defined using multiple sub-functions where each sub-function applies to a different interval in the domain. Typing it in Microsoft Word document it can become a painful task. This blog covers the trick by which you can type beautifully arranged piecewise function in Ms Word. Steps to insert piecewise function 1. Place the cursor at the location you need piecewise function. 2.… Read More »How to insert piece-wise function in Ms Word
How to insert piece-wise function in Ms Word
Truly speaking, Ms Word doesn’t have a feature to transpose a table. However, there are a couple of different tricks by which you can transpose a Word table. One of the quickest way is by using a Macro. Though looks like quite a task however, if you are someone who frequently transpose a table then this could be of great time saver. Steps to transpose table using Macro Place the… Read More »Transpose table in Ms Word with 1 click
Transpose table in Ms Word with 1 click
Jane has a big Ms Word document where she wants to replace CO2 with CO2. She noted we could not replace text with subscript or superscript using standard Find and Replace option. In-fact, find and replace tool treats subscript as normal text i.e. find and replace tool of Word treats CO2 as CO2. Ms Word provides a couple of different ways to achieve it. Method 1: Using Format option in… Read More »Replace text with subscript or superscript in Ms Word
Replace text with subscript or superscript in Ms Word
Let’s say while finalizing table you need to re-order row (or rows) of Word Table by moving it up or down. Ms Word provides a hidden shortcut (one of my favourites from all table tricks) to quickly move one or multiple rows up and down the table with a keyboard. Steps to move row (or rows) up and down Position the cursor in the row you want to move or… Read More »Hidden trick to quickly move rows of Ms Word Table
Hidden trick to quickly move rows of Ms Word Table
Ms Word table allows the user to resize column/table manually. However, it also has a build-in feature that can automatically adjusts column or table width in just few clicks. Autofit columns width to fit the size of content To auto-fit column width to fit the size of text or table contents automatically. Select the entire table Go to Layout > Autofit and select “Autofit Contents” The above setting optimize column… Read More »How to autofit column width of Ms Word Table
How to autofit column width of Ms Word Table
One of the best features of Ms Excel is Macros. In our earlier blog we have shown how to write excel macro to compute liner interpolation, and now we will see how to make a macro available in all workbook. Excel Macro is only available in the workbook on which we created it. However, with the following method you can make it available for all the workbooks/excel files. Steps to… Read More »How to make a macro available in all workbooks
How to make a macro available in all workbooks
Ms Word has a feature to generate a Table of Contents with 1 click, provided all the contents you need in Table of Content (TOC) are formatted as Headings Style. TOC made by this process are also easy to update. Steps to update Table of Contents (TOC) Click on Table of Contents (TOC) that you need to update Click “Update Table” shown at the top of TOC From the dialogue… Read More »How to update table of contents in Ms Word with 1 click
How to update table of contents in Ms Word with 1 click
Constraints in SQL or PostgreSQL is like ‘gate keepers’ which controls the type of data that can go into a table. Constraints are the rules that enforced on the data columns of a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the database. It maintains the integrity of data in the table. Levels of Constraints in SQL Constraints could be on a column level or a table… Read More »Constraints in SQL/PostgreSQL
Constraints in SQL/PostgreSQL
Table is one of the most commonly used elements in Ms Word Table. Following are the Ms Word table shortcuts that may help you save time and effort while working with them. Note: In the shortcut described below, + is used where keys are pressed simultaneously while “,” is used in case where keys needs to be pressed successively (one after other) To do this Windows shortcut Mac shortcut Move… Read More »Must know shortcuts for working with Tables in Ms Word (Windows & Mac)