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checklist in word

You can make a checklist in Word using different ways. One of the simplest way is to write each item of a checklist on a separate line and add bullets with check/unchecked symbol. This method works great if the targeted checklist needs to be filled by hand. However, if you want a checklist which is filled/updated digitally, the method discussed above is difficult as checked/un-checked sign needs to be manually… Read More »How to create checklist in word with clickable checkbox

How to create checklist in word with clickable checkbox

Data science is a byproduct of the digital age. Although statistics have been around for hundreds of years, the earliest mentions of data science did not surface until 1964. Today, our mobile devices generates more data than ever before, posing new challenges for storage and analysis. According to Forbes, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created every day. Gaining marketing insight from this ever-growing database in a timely manner is becoming… Read More »7 Skills to Learn in 2021 to be a Data Scientist

7 Skills to Learn in 2021 to be a Data Scientist

First released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word, which was later simplified to Microsoft Word. Among hundreds of word processor available today, Ms Word is one of the most popular word processor. The font that appears to be selected by default in a new Ms Word document is the default font. The default font varies depending on the version of Microsoft Word. Word default font and font… Read More »Default font and font size in Microsoft Word

Default font and font size in Microsoft Word

Python dictionary is an unordered collection of items. While other compound data types have only values as an element, dictionary has a key: value pair. While working with data, it is common to merge dictionary into one. There are two ways to merge two or more dictionaries in Python: Merging dictionaries using dict.update(). Merging using **kwargs. Merge two or more dictionaries using dict.update() Python Dictionary update() is a built-in function that accepts another dictionary or… Read More »Concatenate Two Or More Dictionaries In Python

Concatenate Two Or More Dictionaries In Python

When a new Microsoft Word document is created, depending on version of Ms Word, the default font in Ms Word document is “Calibri” or “Times New Roman” with a font size of 11 or 12 pts. If you are one of those who doesn’t like these default setting, then you can easily set your preferred font as a default font. Steps to set default font in Word: 1): Right-click anywhere… Read More »How to set default font in Word – Smart Word User

How to set default font in Word – Smart Word User

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Linear Interpolation in Excel

Interpolation is a way to estimate values between two points of a data set. Most of the real-world data are available as discrete points. Interpolation comes handy if you want to estimate the data between two points. The most simple interpolation is a linear interpolation, where variation of data between two data points is assumed linear. Let us consider the following example. We have of density of water at different… Read More »Automated interpolation formula for Excel: Define excel interpolate function & use it forever

Automated interpolation formula for Excel: Define excel interpolate function & use it forever

For all symbol in Word

For all (∀) symbol, also known as universal quantification, is used in mathematics to denote “given any” or “for all”. Three different ways viz. insert symbol, alt code, and the fastest math autocorrect are available in Ms Word to type for all symbol. Three ways to type “for all” symbol in Word Method 1: Insert > Symbol 1: Navigate Insert Tab > Symbol in symbols group. 2: Select More Symbols. 3: Select “normal text” from Font &“Mathematical Operators” from the Subset dropdown.… Read More »How to type for all (∀) symbol in Word

How to type for all (∀) symbol in Word

How to Bulk convert Word document to PDF file

Converting a Word document to PDF file is simple and easy. Just open Word document in Ms Word and save as PDF. But what if you have tons of Word files to convert into PDF? Opening each file manually and saving it to PDF will take ages. But using the following trick, you can bulk convert Word to PDF in just one click. And that too using no external tool.… Read More »Bulk convert WORD to PDF for free

Bulk convert WORD to PDF for free

Quickest way to insert Roman Numerals in Word

Even after being replaced by Indo-Arabic counterparts, Roman numerals are still used in many places like Generation suffix, names of monarchs and popes, book volume, page numbers and many more. Writing equivalent Roman numerals for large numbers is not a simple task. However, using following shortcut you can quickly type any roman numerals in Word. Field codes of Ms Word provide a feature by to convert any number into its… Read More »How to quickly type Roman Numerals in Word

How to quickly type Roman Numerals in Word