Division sign (÷), written as a horizontal line with dot above and below it. It often incorrectly written as “/”. There are three different ways to write the correct division sign in Word. Place the cursor at the desired location and use any of the following methods. Method 1: Insert > Symbol Navigate to Insert Tab > Symbols and click on More Symbols.. to open Symbol window Select normal text… Read More »Division sign (÷) in Word and its shortcut
division sign word
Equation is an integral part of many technical manuscripts, including thesis and research papers. However, typing it in Ms Word is cumbersome and tiring task. To ease it, Microsoft Word has LaTeX type equation editor shortcut feature for typing equation. These equation editor shortcut as termed as Math AutoCorrect and are available in versions of Microsoft Word 2007 and above. Equation editor shortcut has a potential to save a lot… Read More »Math Autocorrect Shortcut in Ms Word: Equation Editor Shortcut