Microsoft Word provides different ways to insert symbols including the one used on Chemistry like equilibrium sign. Our earlier blog covers different ways to insert reaction arrows in Ms Word. This blow shows you different ways (including Shortcut) to insert Equilibrium sign in Ms Word. Four methods to insert Equilibrium sign in Ms Word Method 1: Insert > Symbols (Popular and easy but time-consuming) Go to Insert > Symbols and… Read More »How to get equilibrium sign in Ms Word and its shortcut
equilibrium arrow in word
Microsoft Word is a great tool for formatting text, but what if you want to insert a chemistry formula in your Word document?. You can type all types of Chemical reaction in word by going into Insert-> Equation. Whoever has written chemical equation by this way knows how painful it is. But don’t worry you have come to right place. Here you will learn all the shortcuts, tips and tricks… Read More »Ms Word Tutorial on How to type chemical reaction in Word: Chemical formula, Reaction arrows and text above and below arrow